Monday, February 27, 2012

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Pro sports cheerleaders actually do hold regular jobs. To some it's hard to believe the jobs outside of cheerleading aren't in the sex industry. Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader, Sarah Jones, was a teacher, which means she was actually pretty bright and had a good head on her shoulders. To some that may be a shocker.

Jones, the team captain of the Ben-Gals, has found herself in a bit of trouble stemming from her days as a teacher. Jones was indicted Thursday for allegedly having a sexual relationship with a student when she was a teacher at Dixie Heights High School.

Her mother Cheryl Jones was indicted on a charge of tampering with physical evidence in her daughter’s case. Cheryl Jones, the principal at Twenhofel Middle School in Independence, expressed surprise when informed by a reporter of her indictment. She referred all questions to her lawyer. The tampering charge is also a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones*Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Sarah Jones Cheerleader

Monday, February 20, 2012

Zak Van Niekerk

Today we went to see Zak in concert at Eastrand mall. As usual he was just himself "plaas laaitjie" He entertained us with a couple of jokes and did a lot of singing.
The sound quality was not of the best due to the sound technician not getting it right. Otherwise it was a good show.

Zak Van Niekerk

Zak Van Niekerk
Zak van Niekerk is gebore in die hartjie van Namakwaland (Springbok) waar hy ook sy skoolloopbaan voltooi het. Hy’s ‘n plaas laaitie wat hom half vrek rondgehol het agter skape in die Boesmanland, waar sy ouers tot vandag toe nog boer.
Op hoërskool het hy sy eie orkes begin maar gou agtergekom dat die ander manne nie so erg ingestel is op die musiek soos hy nie. So, toe begin hy maar sy eie ding en doen dit tot vandag toe nof.
Tydens sy matriek jaar is hy gekeur vir die SANW Kerkkoor en Konsert groep, ook bekend as die Kanaries, vir ‘n tydperk van twee jaar. Aan die eindie van sy eerste jaar besluit die Staat dat daardie afdeling van die lugmag gesluit moet word en is hy geforseer om vinnig besluite te neem vir sy toekoms. Hy gaan swot toe ‘n jaar in die Kaap waar hy in dieselfde jaar ‘n platekontrak gekry, op ‘n jeugdige ouderdom van 19 sien sy debuut album die lig op 14 Januarie 1999. In 2000 bring hy sy tweede album uit en ‘n jaar daarna besluit hy om weer sy eie ding te doen. Kontrakloos vir amper 3 jaar, toer hy die land vol en tree op in verskeie plekke vir ‘n inkomste.
In 2003 kom die groot deurbraak. Hy teken kontrak by Leo musiek en dinge vat vlam. Spoedig word sy derde album “Lekkerkry” uitgereik wat reeds Goue status bereik en daarna volg nog 2 albums. “Byt my”, amper goud en “Oe Na Na” wat sterk op sy hakke volg.
Hy is sekerlik een van die beste komediante wat sy lekker kuier- en luister musiek insluit. Met sy unieke manier van mondfluitjie speel, word hy beskou as die beste!
Met sy humor, musiek en komedie is hy defenitief ‘n man wat ‘n partytjie aan die gang KAN kry!!

Zak Van Niekerk

Zak Van Niekerk

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Faith Hill Photos Collection

Faith Hill (born Audrey Faith Perry; September 21, 1967) is an American country singer. She is known both for her commercial success and her marriage to fellow country star Tim McGraw. Hill has sold more than 40 million records worldwide and accumulated eight number-one singles and three number-one albums on the U.S. Country charts.

Hill has been honored by the Grammy Awards, the Academy of Country Music, the Country Music Association, the American Music Awards and the People's Choice Awards. Her Soul2Soul II Tour 2006 with McGraw became the highest-grossing country tour of all time. In 2001, she was named one of the "30 Most Powerful Women in America" by Ladies Home Journal. In 2008, Hill released her first Christmas album, titled Joy to the World. In 2009 Billboard named her as the #1 Adult Contemporary artist of the decade 2000-2009. Hill was ranked the 39th best artist of the 2000-10 decade by Billboard.

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

Faith Hill Photos Collection 19

Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill

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Faith Hill