But do you know the history of the emergence of the history of the tradition of "April Fools"? Tradition of "April Fools" has always been celebrated each April 1.
On that day you will be freed by tradition to lie for work on a friend - your friend. And your friend should not be angry
Many sources of explaining, that history has many versions of april mop. In each State has its own version of the origin - the origin of the tradition that legalized lies.
According to a story, or April Fools April Fools' Day has been recognized in the State of France in 1582, when in the reign of Charles IX. The incident began when Pope Gregory XIII modified calendar system, which is the original 1 year 10 months to 12 months until it is today.
April Fools Day History
Under the Julian calendar, New Year was celebrated between March 25 to April 1.
But under the Gregorian calendar, new year was moved to January 1. But many French people would disagree that Pope Gregory XIII changes made.
Those who do not agree to continue to celebrate the new year on March 25 to April 1. The move would be a mockery to them, by people who agree to change the old version around the new year with work on them, by invitation and giving a false address.
The hilarious mock hoax enthusiasts are still holding their old habits, with the name Poisson d'Avril or April Fish.
The term is derived from the movement of the Sun leaves the zodiac of Pisces (fish bearing the zodiac and is in the range of dates February 20-March 20).
April Fool's Day
But the theory can not explain why it's funny hoax tradition spread to other countries in Europe, which did not adopt the Gregorian calendar until today.
But there are darker version of this tradition of april mop. This tradition began when there was a massacre of Muslims of Granada in Spain by the Crusaders. At that Granada was the last region in Spain is conquered by the Crusaders.
When Granada had been won, all the Muslims of the area to hide and survive in their homes.
Crusaders then announced that they will leave and let the Muslims out of Spain Granada and put up the ship - a ship to transport them in the harbor.
Muslim Granada largely agree with this agreement and they decided to get out of their homes - each and rushing - throng. To the harbor.
Arriving at the port, it ships - ships that have been promised by the crusaders in the army drowned by the cross and all Muslims who are in a place that was brutally slaughtered.
And the last Muslims were killed by their home was burned along with the houses they live. Indeed many of the outstanding version of this tradition. But in Indonesia itself is not very popular tradition.
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